
Red Panda Adventures, Season 6: The Red Panda


Thrill once again to all-new, full-cast audio adventure in the tradition of the golden age of radio with The Red Panda Adventures, Season 6.

The world is now in the grips of war, and August Fenwick and Kit Baxter feel themselves fading into their own secret masked identities of the Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel as they struggle to keep the home front safe from saboteurs, spies and worse. Is working with a team of heroes from across the country the answer, or will it lead to unexpected tragedy?

Contains 12 self-contained adventure programs, as featured on the award-winning Decoder Ring Theatre podcast. Stories include "The Nose of News", "The Home Team", "The King of Crime", "Rocket Science", "Girl’s Night Out", "Barbarian at the Gates", "Sword of the Sun King", "Small Wonders", "Stop the Presses", "The Wild West", "All the King’s Men", and "There Will Be Rain Tonight".